Chris King

Kingfish Communications

Location: Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Phone(s): 843-685-1364

GTWA member Chris KingChris King has worked in the golf industry for more than 20 years as a public relations professional and writer.

The majority of his work has focused on the travel industry in general and Myrtle Beach in particular, including news about developments in the Myrtle Beach golf world.

Chris King has written more than 1,000 golf travel stories for a variety of print and online publications that have cumulatively generated millions of readers.

Chris has engaged audiences by providing an insider’s account into what makes a destination attractive to golfers.


Links to articles Chris King has written:

PGA Show Recap: 5 New Items to Add to Your 2020 Wish List

USGA Ranks Myrtle Beach’s Hardest Golf Courses