Moira McCarthy

Freelance Golf Columnist

7 Wagon Wheel Rd.
Plymouth MA 02360

Phone(s) 508-243-5205


Moira McCarthyMoira McCarthy is an award-winning travel and ski journalist who recently added golf coverage to that list. Her weekly “Tee Thursday” column debuted in the Boston Herald in Spring 2023. She focuses on course reviews, lesson tips, profiles and product reviews there.

McCarthy, a former self-professed “hack golfer” (read: charity tourneys and rounds with friends) fell in love with golf after playing in the Puerto Rico Open Pro Am in the spring of 2002. She came home, purchased custom-fitted clubs and found a great pro with whom she’s been taking regular lessons with since.

When she approached the Herald, (where her weekly “Smart Travel” and “Ski Wednesday” columns have run for more than 20 years) with the golf column idea, they were an immediate yes. Previously, Moira was hired by the Women’s Golf Association of Massachusetts to write a book about their 100-year history. “On the Greens of Massachusetts” came out in 2001 and was a hit.

Moira also is a regular contributor to SKI Magazine, Ski Area Management Magazine and Yankee Magazine.

Some links to Moira’s work:

Indulge in playing in a pro-am golf tournament

Make Horseshoe Bay Your New Go-to Resort

Par 3 Courses Not Short on Fun

Take Range Time Seriously

All Hail Hale’s